Terms & Conditions


"Competition Database" is a trading name of "Mul2ply Limited". For all matters they are assumed to be one and the same and may be used interchangeably.

Competition Database is an informational site only and makes no warranty over the accuracy or safety of the information provided.

Competitions listed on Competition Database are run by other individuals or companies (unless explicitly stated as a Competition Database-run competition). We have no control over the competitions run by third parties - including your data security, liability for loss, authenticity of the competition, the prize or the company hosting the competition, or any other matter relating to competitions run by third parties.

We provide a facility for you to report problems (including scams) relating to competitions and urge you to be proactive in keeping this community safe and informed. Whilst all reports are read we cannot promise that information will be acted upon or competition data changed - failure of us to change an erroneous or dangerous competition does not imply endorsement of said competition and our complete waiver of liability stands.

Competition Database-run competitions

Competitions explicitly run by Competition Database will have these additional terms & conditions:

Competition Database will decide the winner. All decisions by Competition Database are final and no discussion will be entered in to.

Competitions run by Competition Database are open to UK residents only and you must be over 18 to enter.

No responsibility will be taken for entries that are not received for whatever reason - including, but not limited to, technical issues. Entries received after the closing date will not be counted.

All prizes are non-transferable unless otherwise stated.

Competition Database reserves the right to offer an alternative prize if the original prize is no longer available for whatever reason.

Unless explicitly stated, no cash alternative will be offered for any prizes.

Prizes must be claimed by the winner within 14 days of being drawn. Otherwise the winner will forfeit the prize and Competition Database may - at our discretion - redraw another winner.

Competition Database may or may not attempt or be successful in contacting a winner. It is the responsibility of entrants to any competition to regularly check for winners announcements and we will not be held liable for prizes that are lost due to not being aware of said win.

Where prizes must be sent by either e-mail or posted it is up to the winner to ensure the accuracy of said addresses. Competition Database cannot be held liable for prizes that do not arrive where the supplied address(es) were incorrect.

Competition Database will not accept bulk or automated entries and these will be disqualified. This disqualification can occur after a winner has been drawn if they are later found to be in violation of these terms.

Only one entry per household will be accepted for all Competition Database-run competitions unless otherwise stated.

Competition Database accept no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of entering competitions run by Competition Database.

Gift cards / vouchers supplied by Competition Database will have an expiry date dependent on the company issuing the gift cards. It is up to the winner to ensure these are redeemed before this expiry date. Typically these will be 1- to 2-years from the date of purchase - which must be assumed to be the date the competition closes on - but this is not guaranteed. This information is available upon request on a per-competition basis. Competition Database accepts no liability for any problems in redeeming Gift Cards / Vouchers - including, but not limited to, the company going out of business / going in to liquidation or no longer accepting gift cards (including by way of administration / receivership).

Please assume that all prizes supplied by Competition Database come with no warranty of any kind. Where possible, we will pass on any warranty that we receive with the purchase of a prize to the winner - however, we make no guarantees to this fact and will not be held liable for damages to prizes, faults developed or costs incurred in returns or repairs.

All other terms and conditions apply.

Security and Privacy

Your privacy - and the security of your data - is paramount to us at Competition Database.

We utilise extremely high grade security products to ensure that our servers are safe. All private pages are protected by SSL certificates to protect the data you send.

However, we will not be held liable for any loss of information whatsoever.

Our data collection, storage and usage policies are simple:

  • We only store personal data that is essential to the running of the business - in particular (but not limited to) contact details, public biography data (your "profile"), social interactions (such as chat messages and private messages) and details of the competitions you have entered or ignored
  • We may customise the e-mails you receive based on the type of competitions you have entered and interactions on our site
  • We may also customise the adverts you see based on the type of competitions you have entered and interactions on our site
  • We may e-mail you from time-to-time with our newsletter - but you may easily opt-out from this
  • We will never sell your details to any 3rd party - not even anonymous or aggregate data
  • We may e-mail you on behalf of other parties such as featured competitions - which you will be able to easily opt-out of - but will never supply your details directly to a third party. These will always come from a Competition Database e-mail address.

You may request in writing (e-mail) at any time to have your data permanently removed from our system.

We may store, for archival purposes, address information if supplied to us - for example, to fulfil a prize supplied by Competition Database - but this will not be used for any other purposes than archival and accounting.

Any information you supply on the site will be retained for the use of the site. This includes, but is not limited to, information supplied by any social facilities (chat messages, private messages, etc), information supplied on user biographies, etc. This can be removed with a written request.

Mul2ply Limited acts as a data controller and processor for the above reasons and takes every effort to ensure the data we manage is done so securely and safely. Employees of Mul2ply Limited only have access to data that is pertinent to their role within the company at any time.


Our site - like virtually all sites on the Internet - utilises cookies for essential functionality.

By using our site you agree to the use of cookies. These are a fundamental part of websites and our site is unable to operate without them.

If you do not consent to using cookies please do not visit Competition Database.

Some of the cookies used - which are essential and cannot be turned off - include:

  • A cookie to track if you are logged on to the site and other site-wide preferences (your 'session' cookie)
  • Cookies relating to the adverts we display; these may come from various networks
  • A cookie to track site usage data (from Google Analytics)

You may chose whether or not we personalise the adverts you see. If you chose to have personalised adverts we will try to show fewer total adverts and they will be more relevant to your interests.

Using our site

Please respect other users of Competition Database. Whilst the chat facility is uncensored please refrain from using bad language or language that could otherwise cause offence.

We will block or ban - possibly without warning - anyone who contravenes these terms or otherwise causes offence or harm to any other user. This includes, but is not limited to, hate speech, racial, religious or sexist attacks, or anything else deemed significantly inappropriate.

We provide the facility for individuals to block other users independently - however, site-wide blocks/bans will apply to users that are destructive or otherwise cause significant offence. This is - and always will be - at our sole discretion.

We strongly suggest refraining from communication outside of Competition Database with strangers / new acquaintances. This is to reduce the possibility of problems 'spilling over' into 'outside life'. Blocking a user on this site should be sufficient to stop most problems - however we are unable to prevent users finding other means of contacting you and would recommend calling the police immediately if such issues occur.

We are unable to prevent users posting links (especially when obfuscated) using the chat facility. If a link looks suspicious in any way please do not click it and report the user using our contact form.

We take no responsibility for any content posted using our chat facility - including links posted - and advise caution at all times.

You may only have a single active Competition Database account, belonging to a single natural person and being utilised by that natural person at a time. Old or inactive accounts are not considered duplicate accounts.

Users found to be using multiple accounts on Competition Database are liable to having any/all accounts suspended or deleted without warning.

Sharing accounts - temporarily or regularly - is also prohibited.

Prohibited competitions & links

For the safety and enjoyment of all users of Competition Database the following are prohibited:

  • Voting competitions of any kind as these are subject to abuse and fraud (including "most likes" and creatively judged competitions)
  • Referral links whereby the poster gets additional entries or other benefits for each subsequent entry
  • Links to non-competition websites
  • Sites that require downloads or extensive personal information to be entered
  • Competitions that require a significant investment in exchange for an entry (for example, being made to take out a free trial of a product or register your interest in something that you otherwise would not)
  • Links to sites / competitions that contain - or could contain - malware/viruses
  • Links to sites / competitions that are designed to steal user data or otherwise cause harm or other negative effects to users
  • Sites that incentivise the clicking of adverts or affiliate/referral links - such as by increasing the entries in to a competition or by requiring information obtained from clicking such links. This includes, but is not limited to, the clicking of Google Adsense adverts and Amazon Affiliates links.

Referral Links & Affiliate Links

Referral links - links whereby someone will gain additional entries into a competition - and voting competitions (including "most likes wins") are strictly prohibited on Competition Database. If we see them, we'll remove them - if you see them, let us know!

This is to ensure that nobody gets an unfair advantage when using our site. We appreciate that, in rare circumstances, you may have entered (for instance) a voting competition from another site - where you are likely the only Competition Database member to have entered - but we cannot endorse such competitions and respectfully ask you not to share your links on our site (including through the chat facility).

Competition Database does occasionally use Affiliate Links - these aid in supporting the Competition Database financially and keeping the site free for everyone. Most importantly, affiliate links do not change the odds of you winning, do not provide us with 'entries' in to any competition and do not give anyone at Competition Database an advantage in the competition. They strictly are beneficial in the way that if you decide you like a product or service that the promoter offers (which will also not give you additional entries or benefits in the competition) we may receive a small payment as a result.

User-submitted data

Data submitted by users - including, but not limited to, images, photographs, text, links and other information grants Competition Database & Mul2ply Limited perpetual use of said data without restriction or charge.

Competition Database is further granted permission to use submitted data as it sees fit - including alteration, reduction, composition and advertisement.

Competition Database will, upon request, remove any personally identifiable information held. We reserve the right to retain all user-submitted data that is not personally identifiable - such as competition submissions, user posts (including images), etc - providing the attributing username has been removed/changed.


We will post as much information on each competition as is possible - even if the instructions are technically prohibited by the site the competition operates on (For example, asking for "Shares" on Facebook competitions). It is up to the individual user to decide if they wish to follow the stipulations or not.

Neither Competition Database, nor any of the competitions listed (unless otherwise - and explicitly - stated) are endorsed or otherwise supported by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or other third-party websites they may be hosted on.

Similarly, Competition Database does not endorse or otherwise support any of the companies or links listed on this site unless otherwise explicitly stated.

The use of the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and other logos does not indicate an endorsement by those companies of Competition Database and is used under fair usage policies.

The use of text, images and marks - including copyright material - is used under fair use and is for descriptive/demonstrative purposes only. Copyright holders may request the removal of any such content in writing (with proof of copyright ownership) and Competition Database will happily remove any offending content.

Any information duplicated from individual competitions or companies is done so under fair usage policies and is not intended to infringe copyright or otherwise imply a connection or relationship between Competition Database and the company or persons hosting a competition.

The views expressed on the chat facility are that of the individuals alone and do not represent the views of their employers or otherwise.

Similarly, the views express on the chat facility or elsewhere on the site by the business owner's represent their personal opinions and may not be misconstrued as representing "Competition Database" or "Mul2ply Limited".

The descriptions provided are for informational purposes only and must not be relied upon. Similarly, where further details of a prize is listed - either in the competition description or an off-site link - this should be seen as a representation of the potential prize only and may be substantially incorrect due to error by the Competition Database or from information obtained or supplied by the competition organiser. This also applies to affiliate links (such as "Amazon" links); the item(s) or service(s) may be substantially different from the item(s) or service(s) shown.

From time-to-time we will include links within the competition listing to the Amazon "product page" of one or more of the prizes available for the competition in question. You must still enter using the "Enter Here" button - but these additional links can provide you with additional information on the prize(s) available and even give you the option to purchase the item directly. These links do not affect your entry into the competition and are for information purposes only. We use an Amazon Affiliate link to generate additional revenue for the site to help keep Competition Database free - using these links will not change the cost of any items on Amazon to you.

Liability and Damages

Competition Database & Mul2ply Limited will not be held responsible and/or take liability for any losses caused directly or indirectly by the use of our website or by the use or purchase of any of our products, by entering any of our competitions nor by any losses or damages caused by any other means.

This includes competitions that are incorrectly or inaccurately listed or in the event a competition entered causes damage to persons or property or other forms of loss.

We make no guarantee as to the authenticity of any competitions listed on Competition Database and information is provided for reference purposes only. It is up to the individual user to verify the companies and competitions they enter are genuine.

Competition Database includes information submitted by users and an uncensored chat facility. It is only to be used by persons over 18 years of age.

Some competitions listed could include material of an adult nature. Whilst we will try and clearly advertise this fact where it applies please take caution when visiting any links from the Competition Database.

These terms & conditions are liable to change without notice.

Competition Database, Mul2ply Limited and the Directors retain complete editorial control over all content submitted to Competition Database. We reserve the right to restrict or block access to any feature - including the site as a whole - as we determine.

Competition Search

Registered member benefits

Registration is free and very simple!

You will then be able to:

  • Track which competitions you've entered
  • Remove competitions from your list to see clearly what's remaining
  • Get notified when winners are announced
  • Use the chat & social facilities
  • Tell us about new competitions



Competition Stats

Added 48 Hours:
Added Past Week:
Ending Today:
Ending Tomorrow:
Live Competitions:
Live Comps Value: