How to use this site


This site aims to be simple - but it does a lot!

There are a few key things you can do on this site:

  • Enter competitions
  • Get notified when winners are announced for competitions you have entered
  • Notify us of new competitions
  • Notify us when winners are announced
  • View competitions you have entered in the past

Entering competitions

Providing you are registered & logged in, this is very simple!

View the competitions - typically in the order of "Ending Soonest" by clicking on "Ending" at the top of the page.

If you want to enter the competition, simply click "Enter Here" and follow the instructions.

Alternatively, you may "Ignore Competition" if you don't like the competition.

Finally, click "Mark as Entered" when you have entered it. This will remove the competition from your list!

Winner Notifications

For all competitions that you "Mark as Entered" you will be notified when we know who has won!

A notification will come up and you can view the winners list to see if your name is listed! Good luck!

Notify us of new competitions

The first person to tell us of a new competition gets credited with having added the competition! This will give you points that both increase your reputation on the site and could earn prizes!

Use the add links page to tell us of competitions you have found. You can enter as many as you like at once - just put each link on a new line!

Notify us of winners

We have lots of competitions to track! We need your help in finding out when winners are announced!

If you see a winner/winners have been announced for a competition - let us know! The first person to do so for any competition will be credited with points and listed as the person to announce the winner!

Locate the competition in your "Closed Competitions" listing and use the link to report the winners from there!

View the competitions you have entered

We rely on our users to notify us of winner announcements. You can easily view the competitions you have entered by clicking on "Closed" at the top of the page.

By selecting "Only show competitions without announced winners" you can quickly view competitions to see if the winner has been announced. If they have - let us know!


Points are attributed for various positive actions on this site - such as entering competitions, notifying us of winners, etc.

These points increase your reputation on this site and are a nice way to see who's most active on Competition Database!

Competition Search

Registered member benefits

Registration is free and very simple!

You will then be able to:

  • Track which competitions you've entered
  • Remove competitions from your list to see clearly what's remaining
  • Get notified when winners are announced
  • Use the chat & social facilities
  • Tell us about new competitions



Competition Stats

Added 48 Hours:
Added Past Week:
Ending Today:
Ending Tomorrow:
Live Competitions:
Live Comps Value: